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Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley has been used in medicine since ancient times for the treatment of heart diseases. It regulates heart function, relieves cramps and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. The whole plant, flowers, leaves and root are used for medicinal purposes. Lily of the Valley contains flavonoids, saponins, and cardenolides.

In addition to medical, it is a significant ingredient in cosmetic and perfume products. Lily of the Valley oil is extracted from bell-shaped flowers (by steam distillation). It is suitable for face and body skin care, maintains the level of moisture and helps in skin regeneration. It reduces the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles, evens out the complexion, and alleviates skin depigmentation. Lily of the Valley oil is used in body lotions, day and night creams, face masks, balms and hair masks. It is suitable for the treatment of burns and other types of wounds that can leave a scar. It is widely used in aromatherapy.