In order to create an account and register on our web site, it is necessary to fill in the registration form, which is located on the REGISTRATION page. To complete the registration process, user should enter the data in the provided boxes and fill in the obligatory parts marked with *. Also, it is necessary to enter valid e-mail address, create password in accordance with the rules noted under the Password box, as well as to confirm the entered password. After filling in the registration form with complete and valid data, click on the REGISTER button.


Registration on our web site enables you to:

  • Order products from our web site
  • Contact us and send us a message at all times. Message can be sent directly from your ACCOUNT, which you can log into by clicking onto your name in the header. You will receive a reply as soon as possible
  • Send products as a GIFT for your special someone
  • Stay up to date with newest events, products, sales and actual offers via NEWSLETTER. In order to receive the newsletter at your e-mail address, it is necessary to chose I WANT TO RECEIVE NEWSLETTER option during registration process
  • Add products to WISH LIST by clicking the heart icon located in the product overview segment

Note: after completing the registration process, please check your INBOX, as well as SPAM (Junk) folder.


In case you have not received registration confirmation e-mail, please check whether you have entered valid e-mail address in your registration form.

By logging into your account on our web site, you are able to access following options:

  • MY PROFILE: you can browse and edit all of your entered information;
  • MY CREDIT CARDS: Saved credit cards;
  • REAL LIFE GALLERY: My real life feed images;
  • GIFT CARD CREDIT: Available balance;
  • LOYALTY PROGRAM: Your loyalty benefits;
  • MY REVIEWS: Your product reviews;
  • MY ORDERS: View and track orders;
  • PRODUCT RETURN: My returns;
  • WISH LIST: view all your added products to the wish list;
  • PROMO CODES: all your used and unused promo codes are listed in here;
  • HELP: you can contact our customer support at any time;
  • MESSAGES: view all your sent and received messages;
  • SERVICE AND RECLAMATION: Service and reclamation portal.

In case you forgotten the password during logging process, please click on the FORGOTTEN PASSWORD button and enter the e-mail address you used for registration purposes.


We will send you the link for acquiring the new password to your e-mail address.

Products are organized into categories that can be accessed to via navigation (main) menu. It is necessary that you click on one of the main menu categories, which is located within header of the web site and list of all subcategories will emerge. Clicking onto some of the subcategories reveals all the products from selected category.

Products can be filtered and precisely searched for using filters consisting of assigned criteria, in accordance with your preferences.

Products now can be seen through QUICK LOOK option, which is activated upon hovering the mouse over desired product and clicking onto QUICK LOOK button.

Product search is simple, fast and efficient method of discovering desired article. System performs the search of product related to the keyword, by following the title, code or product category, in order to show matching or closest result.

Dear customers,

In case of any problems related to the functioning of electrical devices, it is necessary to stop using the device immediately and to report the problem to the seller and act according to the instructions given.

Our customer assistance can be contacted every workday from 8AM to 8PM through the following phone number: +38121455558 +38121455558.

The legal consumer rights are regulated by Consumer Protection Law (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no. 62/2014 and 6/2016).

A consumer is an individual who obtains goods or services from the market, for purposes which are not of business or any commercial nature (Act 5, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Consumer Protection Law). All customers who use the device for business purposes or other commercial activities are not considered consumers and are not subject to the Consumer Protection Law.

The conformity responsibility period is 24 months from the date of purchase.

This 24 month period is valid only for consumers who use the electrical device for purposes which are not business related or commercial.

The customers who are not subject to the Consumer Protection Law are granted a 12 month manufacturer’s warranty.

Procedure in case of electrical device non conformity:

In case of non conformity, it is necessary to contact the seller from whom the product was purchased, with the purchased product and proof of purchase. The employee in charge of reclamation will conduct the procedure of claim processing, in accordance with the legally established procedure. The seller is obligated to respond to the buyer’s claim within, and not after, 8 (eight) days after the claim reception, in written or electronic form. The seller’s reply must contain the decision whether the claim has been accepted, the comment on the consumer’s request and a concrete suggestion and deadline for the claim resolution. The deadline must be within 15 days or 30 days for technical goods and furniture, from the date the claim was originally filed. If the seller is not able to resolve the claim to customer’s satisfaction, the seller is obligated to inform the consumer about the extension of the resolution deadline and ask for consumer’s approval of such extension. This entire procedure must be documented in the received claim report. Claim resolution deadline may be extended just once.
The goods conform to the contract in the following situations:

If the goods match the description given by the seller and if the goods bear characteristics the seller has presented to the consumer as a sample or model;
If the goods possess qualities necessary for the purpose the consumer obtains it for, of which the seller was aware of in the time of contract conclusion.
If the goods possess qualities necessary for its regular use in the same manner as similar types of goods are used;
If the goods match the standards of goods of the same type, which the consumer can expect from this type of goods, based on its nature and the public claims regarding special features of the goods presented by the seller, manufacturer or their representatives, especially if the promise was given through advertisements or on the label of the goods in question.
Responsibility for conformance is not valid in the following cases:

If the buyer did not follow the technical instructions related to the use and maintenance of the device.
If the authorized service has determined that the buyer has handled the device inadequately, unprofessionally or carelessly.
If the product has been serviced by an unauthorized individual.
In case of damage caused by electrical shock, lightning strike, natural disasters and similar occurrences.
The claim right does not apply to graphite brushes, bearings, lamps-bulbs, blades, batteries, cables and all other consumable supplies.
The warranty does not cover damage occurring during delivery to the consumer, caused by actions of the consumer or damage due to incorrect installation or maintenance, mechanical damage caused by the consumer and damage caused by voltage variation of the electric grid.
If the consumer uses the electric device for business or commercial purposes, the right to file a claim is void, based on non conformity. These buyers are granted the manufacturer’s 12 month guarantee, valid from the date of purchase. The authorized service will inspect the returned product and determine whether it was used in business or commercial purposes or not.

Dispute Resolution
Consumer disputes can be resolved extrajudically. Extrajudical resolution of consumer disputes is carried out in a transparent, efficient, fast and fair manner before an out-of-court consumer dispute resolution body. The relevant Ministry complies a list of bodies and publicly publishes it.

The buyer is allowed to withdraw from the distance contract, i.e., out of business premises, within 14 days, without stating the reason. The buyer bears the costs of returning the goods. The buyer is responsible for diminished good value resulting from the inadequate usage of the goods, i.e., going beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.
The buyer is entitled to withdraw from the contract by the declaration made on a specific document for withdrawal from the distance contract, i. e., outside the business premises or following an alternate unequivocal manner. The form for withdrawal from the contract can be downloaded on our website.
It is important to note that the declaration on withdrawal from the distance contract and contracts concluded outside the business premises is considered timely if it is sent to the seller within 14 days from the moment of contract conclusion. This ensures that the buyer's rights are protected and the process is fair for all parties involved.
Declaration on withdrawal from the contract produces a legal effect from the day it was sent to the seller.
The buyer is not allowed to withdraw from the contract in cases of:

1. providing a service, after the service is fully realized, in case the service providing had started after explicit prior buyer's consent and with his confirmation that he is familiar with contract withdrawal right, when the seller entirely executed the contract;

2. delivery of the goods or providing a service with a price depending on the financial market fluctuations the seller cannot influence and that can result during the withdrawal period;

3. delivery of goods manufactured in accordance with the unique demands of consumers or clearly personalized;

4. delivery of goods subjected to quality deterioration or short expiration date;

5. delivery of sealed goods that cannot be returned due to health preservation or hygienic matters and are unsealed after the delivery;

6. delivery of goods that are inseparably combined with other goods due to their nature;

7. delivery of alcoholic beverages with the price tag defined while concluding the sales contract, whose delivery is possible solely 30 days after the contract conclusion day, and whose accurate price tag is dependable on the price fluctuations on the market, which seller cannot influence;

8. contract where the buyer strictly demands the visit from the seller in order to solve urgent reparations or maintenance; in case during this visit the seller provides other services apart from the services strictly demanded by the customer or delivers alternate goods apart from the replacement parts necessary for maintenance or repairs; the contract withdrawal right refers to aforementioned additional services or goods;

9. delivery of sealed audio, video captures or program software, that are unsealed after delivery;

10. delivery of the newspaper, periodical issues or magazines, apart from a subscription contract for the delivery of these issues;

11. contracts concluded on the public auction;

12. providing non-living accommodation, transport of the goods, car-rental services, services of food preparation and delivery or other services in relation to free activities, in case the contract defines a strict deadline or execution period;
13. delivery of digital content that was not delivered on a permanent record carrier if the performance began after the prior express consent of the consumer and his confirmation that he knows that in this way he loses the right to withdraw from the contract.
The form must be filled out: Obrazac za odustajanje od ugovora (PDF)