Underlash Extensions - Seamless
Blending Sponges Soft Touch - Pink/Nude
Silk Blush Stick - Marble Effect
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SALE 20% and more off on selected products
SALE 20% and more off on selected products in red
Restructuring Biphasic Conditioner Restruct System
Hair Loss Prevention Thermo-active Complex
Detangling Hair Brush BIOutiful Mix Purple
Creating highly competitive products, with unique characteristics and quality, KYO has stood out as a leading Italian brand of hair cosmetics. All products are developed with desire to achieive high quality and without harmful ingredients.
KYO hair colors thanks to the combination of marine collagen and keratin, as well as the absence of ammonia and p-phenylenediamine (pdd), these dyes protect and nourish the hair, without damaging which may result from coloring.
Special attention is paid to the formulation of each individual product, with hair, scalp and general health in mind.
Kyorganic collection for hair damage prevention, refreshing and shining, with plant keratin, black tea extract and bamboo.
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